The Handmaid's Tale Wiki
The Handmaid's Tale Wiki

The Red Center Bombing is a resistance bombing that occurred at the New Rachel and Leah Center during its opening ceremony[1].


After refusing to participate in, and speaking against the Salvaging of Janine, Ofglen's tongue was removed.[2] She reaches out to a resistance cell where Alison, a Martha and former chemistry teacher, makes her a bomb.

The new Rachel and Leah Center is built and event is being planned to celebrate its opening. Other commanders and Aunt Lydia are pleased about the increasing number of handmaids they "can process here".


Commanders from all of the districts had gathered to witness the opening of the new Rachel and Leah Center. As Commander Fred Waterford gives an address to the men who’ve gathered, Handmaids stand along the auditorium’s back wall. Ofglen steps away from the other handmaids and turns and faces them to reveal she is holding a detonator. Ofglen runs into the assembly and initiates the detonator, destroying the new Rachel and Leah Center and killing 26 Commanders as well as 31 Handmaids. [1]


See also: "After"

Immediately after the bombing, the New Gilead District is placed on lockdown with the aftermath of a purge being seen by Handmaids returning from the burial of the murdered handmaids.

Commander Andrew Pryce, a formerly high ranking member of the Eyes and head of security in the New Gilead District, died of his injuries shortly after the attack. Commander Glen Deeds, is executed along with his family as retaliation for his handmaid having carried out the bombing. Commander Ray Cushing is also arrested, however this is staged by Serena , Nick, and June, to protect themselves and Fred.


  • Before having her tongue removed, Ofglen was especially obedient as before the Takeover, she was homeless and struggled with drug addiction. Since becoming a handmaid, she expresses gratitude to be in recovery and have consistent food and shelter.
  • As all the handmaids outside are still seen running after the explosion, it is likely that the ones who died were inside the center.
  • Janine and Emily were brought back from the Colonies, to compensate a deficit of Handmaids as a result of the bombing.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Episode 2.6, First Blood
  2. Episode 2.4, "Other Woman"